Dr. Donnell Davis – National President
Donnell is currently a Director with Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific and Programme Convenor across 13 countries. She represents Global Policy and Impact across 5 federations and is UN Representative and CHOGM delegate. She is active regionally and internationally but has great teams to work with and share the load.
Donnell has been an active member of UNAA since 2000, including Immediate Past President Queensland -2016 to 2020- and director on the UNAA Board with Senator Russell Trood, Maj Gen Rtd Mike Smith and Mario D’Elia. Donnell is on the monthly Status Of Women Network and the National Policy Committee.
After working in Government for 2 decades, she worked with industry, private consultancy, international NGOs, professional bodies and academia. As Associate Professor she uses professional accreditations in Audit, Programme Evaluation, Public Policy, Environmental Management, Coastal Planning and Urban Design – coaching Urban Climate Governance with interdisciplinary innovation and ethical design thinking techniques. She is deeply concerned about our Asia Pacific neighbours and our common futures.
Susan McHattie – National Secretary
Susan joined the UNAA in 2020 and is passionate about the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the power of what people can achieve by working together. Susan works as an advisor and facilitator assisting clients in public, private, research and for purpose organisations to set goals and roadmaps, review governance and create partnerships, innovation and change. Susan’s prior governance experience includes elected roles in industry associations including the NSW Institute of Public Administration and the community cooperative, Reverse Garbage Truck. She has run programs and teams delivering policy, operations and whole of government change in NSW Government agencies including Justice, Education, Customer Service, Planning and the Premiers Department. Prior to NSW Government, Susan led the Inner Metropolitan Regional Organisation of Councils and Community Arts Marrickville. Susan holds and Executive Masters in Public Administration from the University of Sydney and a BA (Communications) from UTS.
Tony Dobson – National Treasurer
Dr. Sandy Chong – WA Representative
Sandy is the Immediate Past President of UNAA WA and the founder of Verity Consulting with over 15 years of experience leading international growth projects. Sandy is passionate about helping organisations grow and creating opportunities for the communities they operate in and has won numerous awards including the US 2017 Stevie Awards for Women in Business and the 2015 Singapore Management Consultant of the Year. Sandy has assisted over three hundred companies in Australia, Singapore, Europe and US in market entry strategies, global brand communication and leadership positioning for investor attraction and expansion. Sandy has served as a mentor for hundreds of businesses, including those from the AUSTRADE’s Women in Global Business, Bloom innovation incubator of the University of Western Australia (UWA), and CRIB business incubator for female entrepreneurs in Singapore. She is an accomplished keynote speaker on internationalisation, entrepreneurship and leadership, and has recently led a forum on Women in Leadership at the Harvard Business School.
Brian Gleeson – ACT President
Lidia Moretti – SA President
Lidia was a teacher at the University of South Australia for over 25 years. Lidia taught English at Huizhou University, China and was coordinator of a Food and Wine Study Tour of South Australia for the University of Gastronomic Sciences, Italy. Lidia has led delegations to the Salone del Gusto/Terra Madre and been an advisor to the Australian Slow Food Management Group and co-leader in South Australian. Lidia hosts weekly information and interview radio food program on 5RPH (Vision Australia) and is a Board Member of 5RPH and also an Honorary Member of Cittaslow Goolwa. Lidia has been a delegate to the International Assembly of Cittaslow International Italy and the Netherlands since 2008, and also coordinator of a music cultural exchange between Adelaide and the headquarters of Cittaslow, Orvieto, Italy. Lidia has been an Ambassador for OZ Harvest Food Rescue Program since 2011 and has helped to establish it in South Australia. Lidia is a Committee Member of the Australian Committee for UN Women, Adelaide Breakfast, an active member of the Italian Community and a Justice of the Peace.
Susan Harris Rimmer – QLD President
Professor Susan Harris Rimmer focuses on international human rights law, climate justice, future generations and gender equality in the Griffith Law School. Her latest book is Climate Politics in Oceania. She was appointed by the Qld Attorney-General to undertake an independent reviewof the Human Rights Act 2019 to be tabled in October 2024. Sue leads the Climate Justice themeof the Griffith Climate Action Beacon and founder of the Climate Justice Observatory and EveryGen. Sue is a Core Member of the Australian Feminist Foreign Policy Coalition. Sue has voluntary roles as President of UNAA (Qld) and is a national board member of Foundations for Tomorrow.
Kate Heelan – NT President
Kate Heelan is an executive with wide-ranging leadership and diplomatic experience and cross-border collaboration skills, gained in Australia and internationally. Kate is the current President of the United Nations Association of Australia – Northern Territory Division (UNAA NT). Kate is a strong advocate for Human Rights and has a keen interest in the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Gender Equality; Quality Education; Life Below Water; and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
Since 2015, Kate has led the Northern Territory Government’s international engagement efforts as Director International Engagement at the Department of Trade, Business and Innovation. She is a strong advocate within the NT Government for the broader benefits of soft diplomatic initiatives. Kate worked as a diplomat with Customs and Border Protection at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia. Her work there focussed on increasing cooperation between Australia and Indonesia on cross-border controls. In earlier roles with the Department of Defence Kate managed a range of projects that supported the Royal Australian Navy fleet and the then Defence Science and Technology Organisation. She holds qualifications in Defence and Strategic Policy as well as a Master of Management Studies from the University of New South Wales, and studied Indonesian at Atma Jaya University in Jakarta.
Andrew Hewett – VIC Representative
Andrew is a Sessional Lecturer in the La Trobe University Masters of International Development and Masters of International Relations and the Victoria University Masters in International Community Development. Andrew worked for Oxfam Australia for nearly 22 years, including over 11 years as Executive Director. He has extensive international advocacy experience, was a member of the World Bank NGO Committee for four years and has participated in and observed numerous international conferences, including those of the United Nations and the World Trade Organisation. Andrew was formerly Deputy Chair of Diaspora Action Australia; a Vice-President of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) and Chair of the Moreland Energy Foundation. He is now Chair of CERES.
Dr. Patricia Jenkings – NSW President
Joel Lindsay – Vice President Young Professionals

Joel is the National Vice-President of UNAA Young Professionals, and a Non-Executive Director of the UNAA. As National Vice President of UNAA YP he oversees events, partnerships, and finance for the organisation. He has been involved in UNAA since 2016, when he joined the Queensland YP Committee, serving as its President for four years. Joel and the Queensland team have delivered large events focusing on climate change and gender equality, and the team is now well known for its annual World Refugee Day event.
He is now working to grow the profile of the UNAA and its Young Professionals across Australia. Joel is currently working in renewable energy with a focus on policy development and social license.
Caleb Henley – UN Youth Australia President