The United Nations Association of Australia, supported by the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has launched the United Nations Alumni Network.
The Network is the first of its kind in Australia and works to increase awareness of the UN in Australia and to increase the representation of Australians in the UN, in particular in leadership roles. A key focus is on supporting opportunities for women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and people from groups which are underrepresented in the UN. The Network connects members to events, job opportunities, and other Australians currently serving or who have served in the UN system.
Membership is open to all Australians who are currently serving or who have served with the United Nations. Contact to find out more.
Meet our UN Alumni
This year we’ve been featuring interviews with our UN Alumni in our monthly newsletter. Click below to read our interviews and the insights from Australians who’ve worked in the UN! Look out for the next profile in our monthly newsletter.
Archive Newsletters
To join or for further information, please contact