October 19 - October 25

The United Nations Association of Australia will again take a small group study tour to United Nations Headquarters in Geneva in 2025.
Geneva 19-25 OCTOBER 2025
Two thirds of the activities of the United Nations system take place in Geneva, making it a key centre of international co-operation and multilateral negotiation. This is one of the reasons that the city is often referred to as “International Geneva”. The UN Human Rights Council is also located in Geneva.
The tour will be custom built for participants and will include meetings with such organisations as the:
- Australian Mission to the UN and World Trade Organisation
- UN Conference on Trade and Development
- UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
- World Trade Organisation
- World Health Organisation
- UN High Commissioner for Refugees
- International Telecommunications Union
- International Red Cross
- International Labour Organisation
- World Information Property Organisation
For more information, visit the UNAA Victoria website or contact UNAA Victoria Branch (office@unaavictoria.org.au)