Category: News

Climate Change Today

Weather anomalies, El Niño, drought, mass coral bleaching and the worst hurricane on record are symptomatic of the effects of climate change upon our warming planet. With the Climate Change […]

Over 1100 Sydney-siders gathered inside Australia’s largest cathedral last month to commemorate the United Nations International Day of Peace with an interfaith service. This service, held at St Mary’s, was […]

Issues Facing the Refugee Crisis in Syria

According to the Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, it is time that the international community stopped neglecting their humanitarian duty, put their […]

At 70, is it time for a woman?

At seventy years old, the United Nations has had eight Secretaries-General – all men. As Ban Ki-Moon’s tenure comes to an end, there is a growing sense in New York […]