UNAA Young Professionals Network

Recommended Podcasts

Channels to tune into: Take advantage of time spent laying low, long walks, or cooking and explore the following to get acquainted with global development and humanitarian discussions.

Global Dispatches — World News That Matters – Journalists, policymakers, diplomats and scholars discuss under-reported news, trends and topics from around the world. Named by The Guardian as “One of 27 Podcasts to Make You Smarter” Global Dispatches is podcast about foreign policy and world affairs.
Digital What?! – In conversation with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) personnel and experts, we shed light on the best digital communications practices and strategize on innovative ways to develop our voices while getting out of our comfort zones.
Rethinking Development Podcast – we speak with both international development and humanitarian aid practitioners to discuss their lived experiences and personal reflections on ethical issues, systemic challenges, and lessons learnt throughout their career in the sector.
The Development Podcast – The World Bank researchers and staffers are working to address the biggest international problems – everything from poverty to climate change, education to nutrition, and a whole lot more. Through conversations focused on revealing the latest data, the best research, and the solutions making the world a better place
Finding Humanity – Real-life stories of courage and purpose, weaving together insights from leading human rights and development experts — while providing listeners with tangible calls-to-action to make a difference.

Four podcasts to listen to: Take advantage of time spent laying low, long walks, or cooking. Listen to the following podcasts and get acquainted with a particular humanitarian cause.

1. How COVID-19 is Accelerating Geopolitical Shifts| Interview With Ian Bremmer, by Global Dispatches — World News That Matters
2. People-Centered Transformation, by Digital What?!

Story time: A day in the life of humanitarian development professionals – Three podcasts to listen and get acquainted with a particular humanitarian story.

1. S2E12- Beth Eggleston- The HAG! The Humanitarian Edition. Interview of Beth Eggleston, Co-founder of the Humanitarian Advisory Group (HAG), by The Unforgiving60
2. Shifting the Power: Decolonizing Aid and Development, Interview of Arbie Baguios, a Programme Quality and Accountability Specialist at ActionAid UK, by Rethinking Development Podcast
3. Leaving No One Behind: Former UN High Commissioners For Human Rights Discuss Shared Humanity, Ethics and COVID-19, Interview of two of The Elders: Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Chair of The Elders – Prince Zeid Raad Al Hussein, Former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, by Finding Humanity