
UNAA Young Professionals Network


The UNAA Young Professionals Network is a collective of like-minded individuals from across the public, private and not for profit sectors, brought together by our common passion for the work of the United Nations.

We’re run entirely by a team of young professional leaders committed to creating social impact by working as part of a group of values-driven students, early career, and mid career professionals  We are active in most States and Territories as we aim to engage communities in furthering the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We know our emerging generation of leaders has the vision and passion needed to create meaningful societal change.

Our mission is to connect, empower and build the skills of young professionals to achieve the United Nations Association of Australia’s mission of creating a safer, fairer and more sustainable world.


Are you passionate about furthering the work of the United Nations, but feel like there is not enough knowledge about its goals within your community?

Are you looking for opportunities to build your skills while working on issues you care about?

At the YP Network we aim to promote professional development opportunities and build awareness to turn your global thinking into local action. By hosting in person and virtual events and programs across Australia, we connect you with the skills, networks and opportunities to turn your interests into tangible results.

We provide a range of professional and personal development opportunities, including:

  • Events and programs that raise awareness of local and global issues. This includes topics relating to sustainability, the SDGs, climate change, reconciliation, diversity & inclusion.
  • Peer-led career education, mentoring and skills development. We focus on building capability in leadership, negotiation, innovation and strategy.
  • Opportunities to connect and network with young leaders and like-minded professionals. Build relationships with peers, industry professionals, government and international bodies.
  • Access to tailored career guidance and opportunities.




A Young Professionals Blog