This seminar features Dr Simon McKenzie from Griffith University exploring the role the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice in the Israel-Palestine conflict, including the case brought before the court by South Africa. See Dr McKenzie’s research profile here: https://experts.griffith.edu.au/35128-simon-mckenzie If you are interested in his work, see his book, ‘Disputed Territories and International Criminal Law’ here: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9781003004004/disputed-territories-international-criminal-law-simon-mckenzie To see more information about UNAA Queensland and the Peace and Security Program, see our website here: https://www.unaa.org.au/about/state-teams/queensland/ Apologies for the varied audio quality, particularly in the Q&A sections. Some of these have been cut as unintelligible. Many thanks for Dr McKenzie for his insight and time and the audience members, some who are experts in their own right, for this in-depth examination of international law.