A comparative investigation of the Queensland Anti-
Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) to measure alignment with
Australian and International best policy practices.
Madison Gorton
Executive Summary
This report presents recommendations for consideration in the review of the Anti-
Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) [AD Act] to make it more fully compliant with relevant
Australian and United Nations policy instruments. It aims to examine how the AD Act can
be improved to reduce the disproportionate impact of discrimination on Indigenous
Queenslanders in the areas of: (1) raising the age of legal criminal responsibility from 10
to 14 years of age; and (2) land rights and the protection of sacred sites for Indigenous
Queenslanders. Through working with the United Nations Association of Australia
Queensland Division (UNAAQ) to conduct a comparative analysis of policy against the
AD Act, and meeting with the Queensland Human Rights Commission (QHRC) to present
preliminary recommendations, two key findings emerged. First, there is a need for the
inclusion of positive discrimination and explicit acknowledgment of the distinct cultural
needs of Australia’s First Nations people. Second, the current models for regulation in the
AD Act are ineffective. Changing the Act based on these findings will work to facilitate
Indigenous voices to help combat discrimination. It will also create a more specific
instrument for reducing the disproportionate impacts these communities face. Future
research may want to examine the role of First Nations community-controlled
organisations in preventing and combatting discrimination. The scope of research could
also be expanded to explore the aims and effectiveness of specific anti-discrimination
policy documents internationally.
For full report, click on the link: Gorton-Madison-POLS3801-REPORT[7105]