UNYP Qld’s ‘Finding Refuge’ event on Wednesday 21 July was launched with a spectacular fireworks display, marking Brisbane’s place on the global map as the 2032 host for the Olympic Games.
Our first speaker, Mr Amatus Akouboo Douw, spoke passionately about the often overlooked refugee situation occurring in West Papua. He explained how the COVID-19 pandemic has further repressed news about the severe human rights violations occurring in West Papua. As Chairman of the Diplomatic Council for Free Papua Movement based in Brisbane, he made a call to action to the audience to raise knowledge on these often silent and unnoticed issues.
Our second speaker, Beata Ostapiej-Piatkowski, highlighted the struggles that refugees often have to face when attempting to enter Australia. As manager of the Mercy Community Romero Centre in Brisbane, she has firsthand experience of the many challenges and complicated processes that people seeking asylum face in order to settle safely, made even more critical with the impacts of the global pandemic.
We were delighted to be able to hold an in-person event in line with restrictions and were pleased to see so many new and familiar faces gather to engage in this important discussion.
We would also like to draw attention to the various ways you can contribute by donating to the following organisations:
- Mercy Community – Romero Centre
- Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
- Red Cross – Refugee & Asylum Seeker Appeal
- Refugee Council of Australia
- Australia for UNHCR